Brian Henderson, poet
Lost in language, I am the author of twelve volumes of poetry, including a deck of visual poem cards known as The Alphamiricon. My work has been nominated for the Canadian Authors Association Award for Poetry and I’ve been a finalist for the Governor General’s Award. My writing, both critical and poetic, has appeared in a number of literary journals.
I have a PhD in Canadian literature and have had a long career in publishing in the college divisions of many educational publishers operating in Canada, past and present, including Harcourt Brace, McGraw Hill, Copp Clark, Oxford University Press, Harper Collins and Addison Wesley as Developmental and Acquisitions editor and as Publisher. I am the past Director of Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
I currently live in Grey Highlands, Ontario with my wife Charlene Winger.

unfinishing, The Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022
Unidentified Poetic Object, Brick Books, 2019
[OR], Talonbooks, 2014
Sharawadji, Brick Books, 2011 (Finalist for the Canadian Author’s Association Award for Poetry, 2012)
Nerve Language, Pedlar Press, 2007 (Finalist for the Governor General’s Award for Poetry, 2007)
Light in Dark Objects, Ekstasis Editions, 2000
Year Zero, Brick Books, 1995
Smoking Mirror, ECW Press, 1990
The Alphamiricon, Underwhich Editions, 1987
Migration of Light, General Publishing, 1983
The Viridical Book of the Silent Planet, Aya Press, 1978
Paracelsus, Porcupine’s Quill, 1977
The Expanding Room, Black Moss Press, 1977
L. Hix, ed., Counterclaims: Poets and Poetries, Talking Back, Dalkey Archive, 2020
Nancy Homes, ed., Open Wide a Wilderness, Canadian Nature Poems, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008
W.H. New, ed.,Inside the Poem, Oxford University Press, 1992
Robert Allen, ed., The Lyric Paragraph, D.C. Books, 1987
Leslie Nutting, ed., The Toronto Collection, Manoeuvers Press, 1984
Ken Norris, Twenty Canadian Poets of the Eighties, Anansi, 1984
Spike; Poems in the Time of Pestilence, Cannonscreek Press, 2021.
Journals and Literary Magazines:
Published many articles and reviews and much poetic work in many literary magazines, such as Arc, Antigonish Review, Canadian Forum, Canadian Literature, CVII, Descant, ECW, The Fiddlehead, Impulse, Journal of Canadian Poetry, Open Letter, Poetry Canada Review, Prism, Pulp, Quarry, Rampike, Rune, Scrivener, Waves and Writ since 1974.
Work has been well reviewed in a number of literary journals: Canadian Forum; Waves; Wee Giant; Matrix; ECW; Brick; Alive; Canadian Poetry Chronicle; Canadian Book Review Annual; Books in Canada; Journal of Canadian Poetry; Dandelion; The Malahat Review; Canadian Literature; Poets.ca; CBRA; The Toronto Star; The KW Record; Montreal Gazette. Globe & Mail; Quill & Quire.
Entries in The Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada, and in Canadian Who’s Who.
Have given radio interviews, and readings, most recently at Eden Mills and Thin Air, The Winnipeg International Writers Festival, Pedlar Press Nuit Blanche, the Tree Reading series, The Olive Reading Series and Planet Earth Poetry.
Images find me in other mediums as well: there’s dream of course, but also photography.
Robert Langen Gallery, Wilfrid Laurier University, Narratology of Dream; Twenty-two Colour Photos, September 10 – December 7, 2003
Longlisted for the Raymond Souster Award, 2020
Finalist for the Canadian Author’s Association Award for Poetry, 2012
Finalist for the Governor General’s Award for Poetry, 2007
Canada Council, ‘B’ Grant, July 1995-March 1996
Canada Council, Short Term Grant, Sept 1981-March 1982
Ontario Arts Council Grants: 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1994